Ed Cohen, An idea was better than writing it down, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 24" x 24"

Ed Cohen, The momentous present folding over the future like a wave overtaking a grain of sand, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 18" x 18"

Ed Cohen, There was something else about the story, 2017, Graphite on watercolor paper on wood, 30" x 30"

Ed Cohen, I was happy there in legend, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36"

Ed Cohen, In a play about the ghost of nothing chasing something, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36"

Ed Cohen, You find yourself looking for a clue, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 10" x 12"

Ed Cohen, Our little spirit flitted as fast and light as a moth, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 12" x 12"

Ed Cohen, As I spoke it came to me like an image in a mirror, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 12" x 12"

Ed Cohen, The slow revelation of a revelation made slower by surprise, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 12" x 12"

Ed Cohen, The thing I miss most is Nature, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 12" x 12"

Ed Cohen, In Paris, where you never were, a girl with red hair is reading a poem, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 48" x 48"

Ed Cohen, The end within the continuing, that continuing envelopment that end, 2017, Fluid acrylic on wood, 12" x 12"

Ed Cohen, Take out the marrow, put in the marrow save alife save another life, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36"

Ed Cohen, He followed the sound of the waterfall below Sybil’s temple, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 54" x 36"

Ed Cohen, There the god breaths into Diane...Opening her yes to the future, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 48" x 48"

Ed Cohen, Sybil chanting sayings where truths and enigmas were twined interextricably, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 42" x 42"

Ed Cohen, Apollo, 2017, Fluid acrylic on wood, 18" x 18"

Ed Cohen, I heard the white pines winding, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 48" x 48"

Ed Cohen, White Zone, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 30" x 30"

Ed Cohen, Serene, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36"

Ed Cohen, Open, 2017, Fluid acrylic on wood, 12" x 12"

Ed Cohen, Aeneas devoted as ever has taken the road, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 42" x 42"

Ed Cohen, Sadly preoccupied pondering things in his heart, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 54" x 36"

Ed Cohen, Aeneas stopped and stood there, lost in thought, comprehending pity in his heart, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 42" x 42"

Ed Cohen, Ghost, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 12" x 12"

Ed Cohen, Untitled, 2017, Fluid acrylic on canvas, 18" x 18"